This page will be updated as changes occur. Last updated: 4/1/20
Growing Minds has moved fully to teletherapy. We are thinking creatively about how to best continue supporting you, your family and our community.
We are available for teletherapy and brief consultations to help cope with adjustment to this unprecedented transition as well as to continue supporting you and your family. Here are some tips for practicing and modeling self-care: Taking care of your mental health in the face of uncertainty.
Please take steps to plan and prepare with purpose and not panic. Remember that the immune system can be compromised by your state of mind. Practice self care to keep your body and mind strong and healthy: eat well, sleep well, stay hydrated, exercise and find effective ways to relieve stress.
Practice sorting facts from fears and opinions. Stay informed with the facts by visiting the Center for Disease Control and Prevention website. We are continuously learning something new about the virus and it can be difficult to moderate the amount of time dedicated to the latest news. While it is important to stay informed on emerging news and recommendations, over-exposure for yourself and your family can become overwhelming and produce unnecessary fear and anxiety. It can be helpful to plan a schedule for when to detach for certain periods throughout the day.